Tuesday, March 18, 2008

10 years ago.

K Kelsey, here is this thing you tagged me on.

haha not much was going on in my life 10 years ago, but here it goes.10 years ago I was 6 years old going to first grade. I had Mrs. Ethington. She was also my kindergarten teacher. My mom loves her and she is really nice. I had just barely moved to Bountiful. Laura Spencer was my best friend. I was probably one of the weirdest kids you would ever meet and I had the curliest hair you could image. I don't think I was doing too much with my life then....

*5 things to do on my list today*
1. Finish my DBQ
2. Do extra credit
3. Study unit 5 cards
4. Go to volleyball practice(not excited)
5. hopeing to watch a movie(not likely)

*5 snacks I enjoy*
1. licorice
2. keva juice
3. fruit snacks
4. sweedish fish
5. cantalope

What would I do if I were suddenly made a billionare?"

I hate questions like this. I would definately travel the world. Go on cruises and such. Then buy a ranch, some horses. Buy a cute, little car. I have no clue.

*5 places I have lived*
1. Provo, Utah
2. Kaysville, Utah
3. Bountiful, Utah-Blue house
4. Bountiful, Utah-the Red house-twice
5. Bountiful, Utah-the White house(next door to the red house)

*5 Jobs I have had*
1. Odd jobs around the house
2. Bangerter's farm
3. Working for dad in warehouse
4. Dad's office
5. Rec center-lifeguard

*5 things you don't know about me*
1. i love to read
2. i grew up on country music
3. i love horses
4. i'm a bad procrastinator
5. i have a tint of natural auburn in my hair

i have no one to tag. i'm lame :'[


Lyle Jordan Parry said...

Bangerter's Farm sucked

ali said...
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ali said...

Hey Kirstin! haha I think that's funny that you moved to the house next door and i think traveling the world would be sooo fun!

Linder said...

Kirstin Foster! I didn't know you had a blog!! That is just awesome!! Well, I'm going to add yours to my friends because I want to check it ALL the time! The picture of you and Gouda is cute cute cute. Iowa is good, I love my family! But I miss you guys so I'll be home soon. See you then, love ya!!