Tuesday, March 18, 2008

10 years ago.

K Kelsey, here is this thing you tagged me on.

haha not much was going on in my life 10 years ago, but here it goes.10 years ago I was 6 years old going to first grade. I had Mrs. Ethington. She was also my kindergarten teacher. My mom loves her and she is really nice. I had just barely moved to Bountiful. Laura Spencer was my best friend. I was probably one of the weirdest kids you would ever meet and I had the curliest hair you could image. I don't think I was doing too much with my life then....

*5 things to do on my list today*
1. Finish my DBQ
2. Do extra credit
3. Study unit 5 cards
4. Go to volleyball practice(not excited)
5. hopeing to watch a movie(not likely)

*5 snacks I enjoy*
1. licorice
2. keva juice
3. fruit snacks
4. sweedish fish
5. cantalope

What would I do if I were suddenly made a billionare?"

I hate questions like this. I would definately travel the world. Go on cruises and such. Then buy a ranch, some horses. Buy a cute, little car. I have no clue.

*5 places I have lived*
1. Provo, Utah
2. Kaysville, Utah
3. Bountiful, Utah-Blue house
4. Bountiful, Utah-the Red house-twice
5. Bountiful, Utah-the White house(next door to the red house)

*5 Jobs I have had*
1. Odd jobs around the house
2. Bangerter's farm
3. Working for dad in warehouse
4. Dad's office
5. Rec center-lifeguard

*5 things you don't know about me*
1. i love to read
2. i grew up on country music
3. i love horses
4. i'm a bad procrastinator
5. i have a tint of natural auburn in my hair

i have no one to tag. i'm lame :'[

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

100 things about me.

Everybody is telling me to do this and that is really isn't that hard but I'm thinkin I'm going to be stuck at 20, so we'll see.

1.my name is kirstin
2.i love watching movies
3.i get way into them
4.music is always on
5.i play volleyball
6.people who know they are smart and act like it really really bug me.
7.i absolutely love the summer
8.i love boating
10.cliff jumping
12.hanging out with friends.
13.i would be a totally different person without my friends.
14.hot chocolate is the best beverage ever
15.my best friend just died
16.he was my grandpa
17.the first time i rode a horse i was 5 months old
18.i moved next door and then back again
19.i twist my hair constantly
20.i love to curl up on rainy days and read a good book
21.i made it past 20!
22.my sister drives me nuts some days
23.then other days she is my best friend
24.people say me and her look like twins
25.i have big feet
26.im really close to my mom
27.she is freakin awesome!
28.i love the rocket summer
29.i like math
30.any guy who makes me laugh is my best friend
31.rainy days are the best kind of days
32.i like going shopping with a bunch of friends
33.sleep is my best friend
34.road trips are a blast
35.i go to viewmont high
36.im the oldest cousin on my mom's side
37.i love country music
38.i grew up on it
39.i wish i owned a slug bug car
40.no one ever pronounces my name right
41.except for the sub in english today
42.that was a first
43.im stuck
44.im not even half way there
45.the only states i have been to are
49.and montana
50.i love cowboys
51.im finally past the half way point
52.i like fruit snacks
53.i like taking pictures
54.the smell of gasoline makes me nauseous
55.im the master at making peanut butter cookies
56.i go to park city every year for a week
57.when im way tired i get really hyper
58.i love licorice
59.and salsa and chips
60.pace salsa is my favorite
61.i like the radio better
62.it has a good variety of music
63.cds are boring
64.i like to go bowling
65.that doesn't mean im good
66.because basically im not
67.u of u sucks
68.byu is better
69.i have a tracfone
70.i think this should only be 70 things about me
71.i went to the boys like girls concert
72.it was really fun
73.black and white pictures are better
74.sometimes i struggle....a lot
75.i got stitches in my head when i was a baby
76.now i have a huge white scar
77.i broke my arm when i was 5
78.my right arm
79.i get frustrated with drama
80.sometimes i crave pineapple
81.i like driving around
82.in my old beat up van
83.pretzels are delicious
84.especially soft ones
85.my middle name is LaRee
86.wheat grass is disgusting
87.i have brown hair
88.my mom says it is becoming more auburn
89.i have hazel eyes
90.they are becoming more green
91.almost done!
92.brian regan is hilarious
93.afros are very cool
94.paper cuts are horrible
95.i love being out in the country
96.especially riding horses
97.hard rock is psycotic
98.im very sarcastic
99.i like singing
100.at higher pitches than dogs can here.

well there ya go. that was interesting.

Saturday, March 8, 2008

lame saturday nights.

You know how bored I am because I came all the way downstairs just to type away useless stuff on my blog. This would only be the second entry and I really don't think anybody is reading this, but ya know what? I really don't care. I guess this entry is going to be a way to vent my annoyance. This morning(Saturday morning) I had to get up at 6:30 to go to something for my work called inservice where all the lifeguards come together and we get tested on our skills. Well that lasted until 9, and yes unfortunately we had to get into the pool. It was freezing cold. Then I make plans with my friend Melynn and I haven't been able to get a hold of her all day. We were going to go shopping and watch a movie and stuff, but I don't know where she is. So the result is yet another Saturday wasted because I then have to go to work tonight from 5 til 10. At this moment my life sucks.
I can't wait until summer. I'm SO sick of school and all the homework that is always occupying my time. I'm very sick of the snow and I want it to be warm again. I was SO happy when I got up this morning and it was raining, because it means that we are getting closer to spring which means summer. Winter is beautiful and all for the first couple of months, but after Christmas I think it should start becoming spring and not continue with the winter.
As lame as this sounds, I might just start putting a quote at the bottom of each of my blogs. So this is the quote of the day:

If a man is standing in the middle of a forest speaking, and there is no woman around to hear him, is he still wrong?

Thursday, March 6, 2008

BoOgiE THRouGh Life!

So i really don't ever know what kind of stuff to put on these things. You hear about those people that put their whole lifes on their blogs. Well im not that kinda person. I probably won't add stuff often because i just don't even think about it, but for my first blog because i have no clue what i want to write im gunna do one of those annoying survey's that you always get. Okay i changed my mind because i can't find a survey. I'm gunna put a poem that I love on here:

BoOgiE THRouGh Life!

Don't cry because its over,
smile because it happened.

Pain and Suffering are inevitable
but Misery is optional.

Yesterday is history,
Tomorrow is a mystery,
Today is a gift.
That's why it's called: The Present.

A good exercise for the heart is to
bend down and help another up.

Life is what you make of it...
kinda like Play-Doh.

The babbling brook would lose its song
if you removed the rocks.

Happiness comes through doors
you didn't even know you left open.

Everything is always okay in the end,
if it's not, then it's not the end.

If all my friends jumped off a cliff,
I wouldn't jump with them.
I would be at the bottom to catch them.

A girl on the street is pointing up at the sky.
'Look, an Angel!' she yells.
Passerby laugh, 'You fool, that is only a cloud.'
How wonderful it would be to see Angels
where there are only clouds. How sad it would be
to see clouds where there are Angels.

Here is a test to find whether your
mission on earth is finished:
If you're alive, it isn't.

So be happy!
Don't let anything burst your balloon!
Boogie through life!

Have a real *happy* day today! *Enjoy* it because you got *up*
this *morning!*
