Thursday, March 6, 2008

BoOgiE THRouGh Life!

So i really don't ever know what kind of stuff to put on these things. You hear about those people that put their whole lifes on their blogs. Well im not that kinda person. I probably won't add stuff often because i just don't even think about it, but for my first blog because i have no clue what i want to write im gunna do one of those annoying survey's that you always get. Okay i changed my mind because i can't find a survey. I'm gunna put a poem that I love on here:

BoOgiE THRouGh Life!

Don't cry because its over,
smile because it happened.

Pain and Suffering are inevitable
but Misery is optional.

Yesterday is history,
Tomorrow is a mystery,
Today is a gift.
That's why it's called: The Present.

A good exercise for the heart is to
bend down and help another up.

Life is what you make of it...
kinda like Play-Doh.

The babbling brook would lose its song
if you removed the rocks.

Happiness comes through doors
you didn't even know you left open.

Everything is always okay in the end,
if it's not, then it's not the end.

If all my friends jumped off a cliff,
I wouldn't jump with them.
I would be at the bottom to catch them.

A girl on the street is pointing up at the sky.
'Look, an Angel!' she yells.
Passerby laugh, 'You fool, that is only a cloud.'
How wonderful it would be to see Angels
where there are only clouds. How sad it would be
to see clouds where there are Angels.

Here is a test to find whether your
mission on earth is finished:
If you're alive, it isn't.

So be happy!
Don't let anything burst your balloon!
Boogie through life!

Have a real *happy* day today! *Enjoy* it because you got *up*
this *morning!*


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